Congrats Michael

Congratulations Michael!

June 2, 2013

Thirteen years ago I preached a message to my sons on their graduation from high school.  Today, I write a similar message to my youngest son on his graduation from that same high school.  Congratulations, Michael.  Allow me to say a few things that I hope will encourage and challenge you.

Through the years, I know that school has often been an unpleasant irritation to you.  But I am proud that you have made it through and along the way found some things that you could apply yourself to.  Your JROTC classes inspired you and lead you down the road to your enlistment in the Army.  It is an honorable choice and I believe that you will make an excellent soldier.  You have strong ideals and you are not afraid to stand up for what you believe to be right.  I see in you the roots of true courage.

I am also proud that you have applied yourself to learning some very practical skills.  And unlike your classmates who goofed off, you have discovered that those skills are honorable and worthy of excellence.  I am confident that what you have learned will serve you well in the future, no matter where the Lord will direct you.

But most of all, I am proud of the way you stood by your friends and those who needed your help.  I remember last summer when you and I were walking downtown and we saw a relatively minor motorcycle and car crash.  You literally jumped to help.  Before I even knew what was happening, you were there helping the rider up on his feet and assessing the damage.  I saw that again as you appropriately intervened in a friend’s dangerous depression and in standing up to a classroom bully.  You took initiative when most would simply stand by and watch.  Yes, I believe you have the makings of a great soldier.  I am indeed proud of you.

Finally, as I did 13 years ago for Dan and Andy, I want to give you the same challenge: the challenge to make faith your own.  As you grew up, church was an accepted and involuntary part of your life.  Mom and I did not push you into church participation, but in many situations, you had no choice.  Now, things are different.  In just a few weeks you will literally be on your own.  You will choose to trust God, or to ignore Him.  You will choose to listen for His voice or press on charting your own course.  You must make your faith your own, no one else can do that for you.

In this journey, the Bible story testifies to one all important truth.  If we will humble ourselves and come to God, He will never turn us away.  “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”  (Rom. 10:13)  That is a promise throughout the Bible and it is one that all of us need to hear.  I hope you will never forget it.

I love you and I am very proud to be your Dad.  Congratulations on your high school graduation!

Want to talk to Pastor Dude?  Give him a call on his cell phone (701)261-0931.

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