Ministry to Ron

April 12, 2015

It was an honor to serve JoAnn and Ron’s family at his memorial service yesterday. It was a bit unusual to have a memorial service 3 months after someone’s death, but that was the way Ron wanted it to be. He knew that winter weather in our region can make travel difficult and even dangerous, so when his death was imminent he asked JoAnn to have the service later in the spring when weather was less threatening. The weather was wonderful yesterday, just as Ron wanted.

As we finished the service yesterday and waited for the lunch, Katie and Linda told me privately that they did not remember meeting Ron. That made me realize that many in our church probably did not know Ron. When Ron and JoAnn first started coming, Ron was taking strong chemo treatments and did not feel well. Later, it was dangerous for him to be in large groups because his immune system was very weak. As I think back on it, most of the time Ron was here, it was our adult Bible study class (Sunday School) that got to know Ron. Those who were not in my Bible study class probably did not know Ron if at all. Worship services are not designed for sharing and personal interaction in the same way the Bible study and other small groups are. It was not a fault of Katie or Linda, rather it was the nature of church activities that isolated Ron and limited his acquaintance with others in our church family.

This observation from yesterday’s memorial service leads me to two challenges. First of all, remember that the ministry of our church, yes, even our small church, is much bigger than most of us realize. More people are touched by our church than we know. There are people who participate in limited ways who are touched by what we do. The Lord knows EVERY individual, He loves them, and He has brought them into contact with us so we could influence their lives and show them God’s love. None of us, including me, know the full extent of how the Lord uses our church. If we will live our lives, obediently, faithfully, and lovingly, God will use us in the work of His Kingdom. What a calling!

Second, be involved when and where you can. You never know when the Lord might bless you through the life of someone you meet. That is why we do small groups. Not just to learn, but to have opportunities to know each other. Those who could be in my Sunday School class when Ron was there were blessed by his humor, his faith and his testimony. Also, when you attend, you can bless others who are there. You can share your life, and in sharing, you can find the fellowship that we all need. The Lord will use others to bless us, if we will give Him that opportunity. Often, all we need to do is simply show up. So, don’t miss out, be a part of what happens here.

Your Pastor,

Dude Garrett

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